The following officer positions are formal roles which are appointed by the board. Some are required by the GNOME Foundation bylaws, while others are optional. Officer positions do not have to be held by directors, though in practice they typically are.
This is a required position
Acts as the chair if no chair is assigned
Acts as the Executive Director, if there isn’t one
Has contract signing and spending authorization powers
Is the link between the board and the Executive Director, and acts as the ED’s line manager
Sits on the compensation, executive and finance committees
This post is currently held by Robert McQueen
This is a required position
Stands in for the President in their absence
This post is currently held by Allan Day
This is an optional position
Prepares an agenda and sends it to the board before each meeting
Chairs each board meeting
Sits on the governance committee
This post is currently held by Allan Day
This is a required position
Ensures board oversight of the Foundation’s financials
Regularly reports to the board on the Foundation’s finances (cash, receivables, outstanding bills, expenditures, income)
Sits on the compensation and finance committees
This post is currently held by Michael Downey
Assistant Treasurer#
This is an optional position
Assists the treasurer
This post is held by Pablo Correa Gomez
This is a required position
Takes minutes of board and advisory board meetings
Publishes meeting minutes
Takes note of actions and discussion since the preceding meeting (such as items discussed on the board mailing list) and ensures they are included in the meeting minutes.
Strives to keep information (such as process documentation) organized.
This post is currently held by Julian Sparber
This is an optional position
Acts as the secretary if they are absent, and generally helps with secretarial duties
This post is currently held by Federico Mena Quintero
Operations Officer#
This is an optional position
Oversees GNOME Foundation operations and signs paperwork on behalf of the Foundation
This post is currently held by Richard Littauer